Book Review: “Autopsy of a Deceased Church - 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive” by Thom Rainer
How Did I Get This Book?
In those weeks around our transition out of Ottawa and back to Florida, one of the men that I met was Pastor Trip Kimball. I met him through Poimen Ministries. A few months ago, after I had been doing pulpit supply for a few weeks at Azalea Baptist Church, I had some fresh questions for him. He suggested reading this small book and then we would chat. He said that the team at Poimen refers to this little resource constantly.
I ordered it from as I’m unwilling to give another dollar to the big “A.”
What’s it about?
It’s about the common characteristics of churches that are not just stagnant, but on their way to dying.
Pastor and church leader Thom Rainer does a superb job of succinctly describing the plight of scores of churches. More than we are willing to admit. He describes the church’s relationship to it’s past, to the surrounding community, to itself, to God and then to it’s facility. He’s incredibly perceptive.
He closes the book by giving 4 action points for 3 different scenarios that a church might find itself in. Those three scenarios are: The sick church, the very sick church and the dying church. That’s where the subtitle of “12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive” comes from.
What do I think about it?
My friend Trip is on to something. I can see why they continually refer to this little resource. No matter what stage of life a church is in, the people responsible for it’s leadership should take an hour to familiarize themselves with Pastor Rainer’s insights. I would highly recommend it to Board Members and any Pastoral Staff of churches.
If you’ve read it, I’d be curious for your thoughts…