Book Review: “Real - Rewilding Ministry from the Inside Out” by Earl Buchan
How did I get this book?
Well, my friend Earl posted it on Twitter and I asked him for a copy and he sent me one. I met Earl over 10 years ago at a Pastor’s Conference in Canada. We hit it off, had a great conversation, and I had the joy of serving on the Board of his church while it got going. We’ve stayed in contact over the years and I was delighted to see that he wrote a book and wanted to read it.
What’s it about?
It’s Earl’s reflections on ministry so far. There’s lots of stories and lots of good solid encouragement. His perspective has shifted on quite a few things and the journey is helpful.
What did I think about it?
First, let me say that Earl has something significant to contribute on the subject of fear. He writes about it a couple of times, and each time, it’s obvious that he has a gift to speak to that very real issue. I was deeply encouraged every time I came across that topic in his book.
Second, Earl has a story to tell and it needs to be told and it needs to be read. He had a significant experience in life in the context of ministry. That experience altered him and it will positively alter anyone who reads about it earnestly and honestly.
Lastly, we need more books like this one. Here’s why. It’s from someone who’s been in ministry over 20 years. It’s from someone that has planted churches from scratch. It’s from someone that’s been bivocational or covocational. It’s from a Canadian. Lastly, it’s from someone that’s genuine and honest in their perceptions. And, it’s not a long book.
I wish a major publisher would have picked this up. The story itself is worthy of a screenplay.
Parting thoughts
Earl asked me to do a review on Amazon. I’ve boycotted the big “A” so, this will have to suffice.
He’s working on a sequel.
If you’ve read it, would you let me know what you think in the comments?