Book Review: “Your Hidden Food Allergies Are Making You Fat - How to Lose Weight and Gain Years of Vitality”
There’s several copies of this book in the lobby of Brain Balance of Westchase. I had worked through the other books and finally grabbed this one. It of course, has a completely absorbing title. I had dipped into it a couple of times while I was there, and finally borrowed a copy.
The basic premise, is that there’s a food allergy test that you can take and it will reveal what foods your body is having a negative reaction to. They can test for over 400 different things. They use a blood sample. The lab is in Florida.
The book was so convincing that I did a bit of research as a result. One of the scientists that helped develop the test, went on a developed a different test, that some argue is a bit better. I contacted both companies and I think I would prefer getting the second one. I haven’t done it yet. I’m currently still unemployed and can’t justify the expense.
When I discussed it with the functional doctor that treated me last year, she made an interesting point. She said that if you have a “leaky gut” that test will almost automatically reveal all the foods that you typically eat. It’s because the food is entering into your body and blood as undigested and foreign and your immunize system will react to it. It would be better to treat the “leaky gut” and then do the test. Your allergies will undoubtedly change because the food will now be completely digested before entering your bloodstream.
Still, there are some foods that make up a large part of our diets that our bodies react to. Wheat and gluten are common villains. Dairy or cows milk comes up over and over as well. And, almost everyone knows even though we don’t like to admit it that sugar is a real culprit. All of that inevitably results in a suppressed or weakened or traumatized immune system, making you susceptible to all kinds of health problems.
Health is the new wealth!
Yes, I recommend reading this book.